We are not a fan of sensational headlines. But sometimes there is alarming information that is both sensational and true. Unfortunately, that’s what we have here. If you live in Pensacola, Florida, you need to know that your drinking water is substandard. And if I told you that in person, I would hope you would […] Read More

Most pitcher and pour-through filters do not remove microplastics. They filter out heavy metals and a variety of particulate matter. But their membranes are typically too porous to stop nanoplastics. Your precious Brita filter may make you feel good, but it is not stopping plastic from going down your gullet. Let’s be real, it’s not […] Read More

The human species has made unquestionable leaps in technology, medicine, overall health and longevity. But we seem to always create more problems as we move forward. As an innovation, plastics have certainly served a purpose. But they have also led to environmental destruction and they are now a direct threat to our physical health. Plastic […] Read More

The word “nano” is popping up just about everywhere these days. Many people are heralding nanobots and other forms of nanotechnology as the solution for all of our health and environmental problems. Others suggest that nanotechnology will cause just as many problems as it resolves. The truth is probably somewhere in between. There will be […] Read More

Everyone, especially outdoor enthusiasts, has their opinion on water filters and purifiers. Sometimes it’s a small design quirk that attracts certain users or pushes others away. Today we have one of those rare cases where I think we can all agree on something: the MSR Guardian is simply the best portable water purifier on the […] Read More

So your water tastes like dirt. Does that mean there is dirt in the water? Not necessarily. There are many possible reasons for water tasting like dirt, but there is one likely culprit in the majority of cases, and you have likely never even heard of it. It turns out, your water doesn’t taste like […] Read More

Two of the most popular water filtration brands go head to head in this article. Below you will find a comparative analysis looking at effectiveness, design, cost, durability and taste. As with our other head to head match-ups, we make a clear recommendation. UPDATE October 2022: It can be hard to admit when you are wrong […] Read More

Most people have heard the terms “hard water” and “soft water,” but few actually know the difference between the two. Even fewer people know what do about their water if they find out that it is excessively hard or soft. We have you covered in this article. 1. Make the diagnosis In general, it is […] Read More

In 2014, Jordan Smelski and his father swam for hours in a hot spring in Costa Rica. While everyone else who swam in the hot spring that day, including Jordan’s father, did not experience any issues afterwards, Jordan became seriously ill. Less than 72 hours later, he was dead. The hot spring where Jordan was […] Read More

SmartWater has hit a home run with their marketing and packaging efforts. The simple but elegant blue and transparent bottles, the anecdotes on the label, the talk of electrolytes – there is a lot to convince the average consumer that they are buying a superior product. But are any of their claims true? Not exactly. […] Read More